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Sunday September 5th 2010 ~ Battery Tests

37578 running late past Tilney All Saints this afternoon.
37577 had a service and battery test last week and now 37158 is also booked for the same tomorrow, so I assume this is an insurance policy in the event of another bad winter. Today was more like Summer with some fine sunshine before rain this evening.
37576 was back on the road and came into King's Lynn on the 20.44 arrival. Last night 37579 was kept at Lowestoft and the final leg of K17 was 37156. This was out today on the turn which goes light to Yarmouth. Timekeeping was poor this afternoon with delays of around 20 minutes affecting the 13.50 & 14.50 from Lynn to Peterborough with 37575/8.
You can hear 37565 coming at the moment as its braking system is popping and whooshing all the time. On the right route today with John driving it is seen passing the observatory this afternoon.

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