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Tuesday August 17th 2010 ~ Brucey Break

In case you were wondering about a lack of sightings on my sidekick Bruce's part, I ought to explain that he's been enjoying the delights of West Wales for a week and his in-laws have been left in charge of the menagerie at Boskoop Farm. Thus I have been kept informed of the number of the Dart on the locals at Haverfordwest instead ! This has meant that sightings have been less this week on the X1, but with help from staff, I've been able to piece together the goings on. Bruce returns on Thursday afternoon, so normal service will then resume I expect.
So what of Tuesday ? Well it looks very much like 20107 remained at Yarmouth and instead Y6 unusually had a B7 in the shape of 37157 (seemingly quieter at last) while Y7 was a rejuvenated 37570, Y9 began with 37569 but as this was due for servicing so 37564 replaced it at Lowestoft for the 15.55 to King's Lynn and Y13 was 20126 all day - it was at least 12 late at lunchtime, but was on time this evening.
Lowestoft for its part produced 37572 for L8, which today managed to work the full turn, but as on so many occasions had to call in at Vancouver Avenue at 21.40 for a top up of adblu. L10 had 37566, L11 37160 and L12 37565 sporting a new offside ad for BT. Turns out that the current campaign for BT has been so successful in encouraging people to sign up for Sky Sports etc. that a further supply of ads were commissioned and are now being applied to the fleet. 37573/9 and 37159 already had this advert and now 37565/9/70/72 7 37160 are adorned too.
20514 seems to be a  permanent fixture on K3, but anyone wishing to enjoy the luxury should be aware that 37571 may well be back on Friday.
The timetable was pretty much adhered to today and slight delays were caused by a temporary set of four way traffic lights at Terrington St. John crossroads.

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