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Thursday 8th October 2009 ~ What Happened Today ?

Vancouver Avenue on Sunday evening . Photo P. Barclay (with permission from FEC)
Well the answer is, nothing much ! King's Lynn appear to be using the B7 Geminis sparingly. today 37160 (Bruce's favourite - Yes ! Bruce actually has a favourite Gemini) was kept on local work with Andy James texting to say it worked Hunstanton schools contract 6 and then worked 40s from about 16.15. Meanwhile 37158 was on Y6 and worked all day meaning it ends up at Lowestoft, one of the longest turns at approximately 465 miles. 37159 was more predictably on K17.

20103/4/7 now seem to be the only B10Ms which work X1 turns with any consistency and this may end once the remaining two B7 Geminis turn up at Lowestoft. Today 103 was K4, 104 was K2 and 107 came into Lynn tonight on L12. B9 37567 on K1 was changed at Lowestoft for 37565. 37575 is due to visit Full Circle for panel repairs when availability permits.

Probably the most remarkable working today was 37569 working K15, a normally solid Lynn B9 turn. Strangely K16 which finishes at Lowestoft was given 37576, so may be an oversight on the rostering was the cause. The last time a Lowestoft B9 did K15 was on August 8th (563) and before that on April 27th (564) , the first day of the current diagrams.

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